As much as I want to hate them, I too get sucked in by the lure of the sweet scent of bliss that permeates almost every corner of NYC - coffee. What is it about this place that is just irresistible to so many city dwellers? Why the constant need for a $5 cup of coffee, that really, is not all that great - sort of bitter AND as I am now painfully aware - loaded in empty calories (thanks NY legislature and so long 400+ calorie grande soy vanilla lattes)?
But I digress...
After caving in (and yes, I just finished another cup of my now skinny vanilla latte) and ordering my sweet and delicious coffee, I noticed that the cups were different and for the first time, it hit me. It's a mermaid! Why would a coffee company use a siren in their logo? After little thought and careful analysis of my own symptoms, it's all become so clear to me now.
We are under the sirens spell. Just as the sirens' songs captivate sailors and eventually drive them to madness, so too does Starbucks lure us in with the promise of a delicious jolt of energy from their caffeine infused brew and drive us to madness because paying more than $3 for a cup of coffee in the midst of a global recession is surely madness. And yet, she sings and we blindly follow. Those mother-flowers are using the best marketing scheme of them all - magic - to ensure blind obedience of the masses. Ohhhh, so sneaky. But why else would you spend so much money for a so-so cup of coffee?
Think about it?
Now for the true gripe behind this post - them owing me money. It's not because I've spent unspeakable amounts of $$$ at these establishments, but rather because I'm an heir to the throne of Yemaya, the siren depicted in their logo and I don't appreciate the use of my mother's image for corporate gain. So I want my share. Don't get me wrong, it's not for personal gain but rather to help clean up our world's oceans and beaches. Maybe save a species or two in the effort to undo so much of the damage humanity inflicts on our oceans - the womb from which all of life stems. Santeros and environmentalists everywhere will agree, ask them.
Blessings, Alafia...