Like always, I sit on my train and keep myself busy - always a staunch observer of train etiquette, I ensure I have something to do, mind my own business, and hope others will do the same. However, today like many other days, I'm forced to check my judgments, prejudices, and ethics as I am startled out of my day dreaming.
A black figure looms directly next to me. At first I do not see it fully, but out of the corner of my eye I can tell this is no ordinary passenger. I see a thin black hand next to a black form and I panic. Shit, am I seeing spirits? Why is it black? Damn, I'm gonna need a limpiesa. Where are my guardians, don't they know of the dangers on the subway especially for a Iyawocita??? OK, calm down. Damn, it's a Dementor! No wait, that's from Harry mind continues to race, my heart is pounding, and an overwhelming feeling of deep sadness or a void begins to fill my chest. I'm only 10 minutes into my 55 minute ride.
Wait, I'm strong and I can take anything. So, without thinking twice, I look directly at the figure and realize it's not a specter or figment of my over-active imagination, but rather a woman covered in a black burqua, from head to toe completely draped in black.

You have to understand that as someone who has worn white for almost 1 year, seeing a woman draped completely in black leaves a strong impression. Probably similar to what others see in me when I'm dressed in my traditional, all-white clothing. Beyond the burqua, what struck me the most was not being able to see her eyes. If I smile at her, will she smile back? If she does, how would I know? I know that none of this matters and I realize this is more about me than it is about her. But I'm almost haunted by the sight of her, standing by the door facing me but not being able to see her eyes; just a dark figure in front of me. She is an unfathomable mystery compounded by humanity's belief in God and our interpretations of how to fully express that belief.
Religious beliefs and practices transcend all cultures and have been with us since the beginning of our history on this Earth. As a deeply spiritual person, note the use of spiritual versus religious even as an initiated priestess, I am very troubled by some religious practices. Without going into my "Ovarian Power" rhetoric, and without placing any judgment on any faith, I just pray with all my heart that humanity wakes up and is able to love and respect one another. I hope we wake up and see all the beauty around us, the miracle that is creation and nature, and the awesome responsibility we have to one another and this planet.
50 minutes later I arrive at my destination and I understand that it's not the burqua that bothers me or the black figure that troubles me. It's the overwhelming urge to know if she chooses to cloak herself in this way or if it's imposed on her as it is with so many other women across the world. Are you free to pursue your destiny? Is everyday a struggle to take steps towards fully living your life? Maybe she's better off shielding herself from all the negativity and destruction present in society and it is we who need to protect ourselves from the evils we impose on one another. Maybe we (meaning her and I) just protect ourselves a little differently.
All that, and I didn't even have my first cup of coffee...never a dull moment on the NYC subways.